Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Relationship Goals

Alright, so the title of today's post is a little misleading. I am not in a relationship, nor is it likely that I will be in one any time soon because like most 20 somethings I'm still trying to figure things out. Don't get me wrong, I have dated my fair share and I've definitely kissed more than a few frogs but today I have realized that people change and grow, and certainly, nothing about love is guaranteed.

You may be thinking "No, shit!" or maybe the exact opposite, "Sucks to suck!" And that is fine. Because this is a blog about my 20 something experience and if it's relatable, great...if not...well, I really couldn't care less. Anyway, the reason this post is called relationship goals is because as corny as it sounds, I haven't had the best relationship with myself lately and instead of wondering why boys don't like me, I'd rather spend my time figuring out why I don't like me.

I think that's the best I can do for the moment.


I've neglected to write for a little while because honestly I don't have a lot to say. Being 21 you would think I would have plenty to do, much to plan for, and exciting news all the time but the fact is I don't. Mostly I spend my time binge watching tv or running errands for my mom. I'm effectively broke after my 4 months in Europe, and because of some poor planning and unavoidable obligations its not likely that employment will be in my future any time soon.

What I have had a lot of time for these past couple of weeks is thinking, and you guys, I've been doing a ton of it. As an only child, I've certainly had my fair share of alone time and usually I quite enjoy it, but as I've gotten older I've started to hate it more and more. Maybe it's the technology age where I just always have it thrown in my face that other people are having fun, but honestly it's kinda nice to just live with people around your age... there's always more to do...but I digress. The point is there's lot on my mind.

First off: WebMD is not my friend.

When you have a lot of alone time it is easy to start noticing things about yourself that on a regular basis you probably wouldn't pay attention to. This is certainly the case for me. Over the past 4 weeks I have self diagnosed three different types of cancer, two heart conditions, and both gluten and lactose intolerances. Other than also being a self diagnosed hypochondriac thankfully, NOTHING IS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH ME. Except boredom.

Second: Netflix is only fun when you're using it to procrastinate.

I have had zero desire to watch anything on Netflix over the past 4 weeks. I also haven't had any assignments in the last 4 weeks. Coincidence? No.

Third: Boys.

Yeah this one is probably a given for most heterosexual females between the ages of 14 - TBD. Unfortunately, I still have not been able to figure them out in the ample time I've had to ponder them over the past few weeks but I probably won't be giving up on that fruitless endeavor any time soon. Shout out to biology for sending me on this pointless mission. If I figure anything out I'll be sure to keep you posted.

On a separate note I have much to look forward to this summer - including but not limited to: Hawaii, Vegas, Napa, and moving into my first house! So not all bad, just waiting to get out of this rut.

Happy Wednesday!

Friday, May 8, 2015


So five months ago almost I started this blog and after my first few posts I took off for one of the greatest adventures of my life: study abroad. While I was away I considered continuing with my posts, but honestly I just got busy, and when I wasn't busy Netflix sounded like a much better idea. But I'm back now, and as promised by just about everyone I know who's studied in another country, I've changed and I've come to a few realizations:

1. I belong in California....or at least somewhere sunny. 

Pale skin and pea coats just don't do it for me. I also could never live in a world without authentic Mexican food and refrigerated eggs (don't ask).

2. America sucks at a lot of things, but so does everywhere else. 

We may not have universal healthcare or funding for the arts, but we do have democracy and refrigerated eggs (seriously, it's weird). Our currency is awesome, and so are our prices. And we may have to pay student loans until we die, but at least our cable television is entertaining and there's no class system.

3. Boys suck just as much in Europe as they do in America

...although they're more inclined to ask you on a date (results may vary).

4. Finally, going abroad is not an easy way out of dealing with your problems at home. 

It can just as easily burn bridges as it can build them. It's true that the people who matter stay in touch and the ones who made empty promises get weeded out. The thing about going abroad though is that eventually you come back, and at least in my experience, things seem to pick up right where they left off.

In the end, I got the chance to see the world beyond my backyard and for that I am forever grateful. From Paris, Rome, Florence, Madrid, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and England I have gained so much respect and admiration for other cultures and I hope one day I am fortunate enough to return.

Lesson here: Study abroad if you get the chance. You won't regret it!